Setup HTTPS connection between Polywall components is a complex of action in settings of all components.
Open Server settings
Go to Security section and switch on Encrypted connection
After that go to Rooms and Repositories and change all http URL to https
Open Visualizer settings
Change Connection URL to https:// format
<aside> 💡 Screencapture (Live image) in https mode should be configured in versions 3.7 and higher. It can be configured with your own certificate or you can use worker certificate (worker.cer). It can be found in default worker folder.
<aside> <img src="/icons/exclamation-mark_red.svg" alt="/icons/exclamation-mark_red.svg" width="40px" /> Certificate should be installed into Personal folder of Current User.
Switch off Visualizer,
Press win+R
Enter certmgr.msc → Personal → Certificates,
Install certificate (right click → Import) or choose you installed earlier,
Open it → Go to Details → Thumbprint,