<aside> đź’ˇ Polywall API v2 works through http\https protocol and give answer in JSON format
<aside> <img src="/icons/exclamation-mark_red.svg" alt="/icons/exclamation-mark_red.svg" width="40px" /> Please be noted that information should be entered without curly braces { } and some symbols should be in HTML numeric code if persist.
<aside> <img src="/icons/exclamation-mark_red.svg" alt="/icons/exclamation-mark_red.svg" width="40px" /> Please be noted that “Create source” API command replace the file with the same name.
<aside> <img src="/icons/network_gray.svg" alt="/icons/network_gray.svg" width="40px" /> GET
<aside> <img src="/icons/network_gray.svg" alt="/icons/network_gray.svg" width="40px" /> PUT
<aside> <img src="/icons/network_gray.svg" alt="/icons/network_gray.svg" width="40px" /> POST
<aside> <img src="/icons/network_gray.svg" alt="/icons/network_gray.svg" width="40px" /> DELETE
Name | Command | Description |
Get scenarios | http://{server IP}:8080/v1/api/room/{roomId}/scenarios | Get information about all available scenarios in Schedule folder. |
Get active scenes | http://{server IP}:8080/v1/api/room/**{roomId}/**activeScenes | Get information about all scenes in played scenario and which scene is running right now. |
Get active sources | http://{server IP}:8080/v1/api/room/{roomId}/activeSources | Get information about all sources played on all videowalls at the moment, including SourceID |
Get active Visualizers | http://{server IP}:8080/v1/api/activeVisualizers | Get information about all active visualizers (videowalls) at the moment (includes information about visualizers in clone mode). |
Get room files | http://{server IP}:8080/v1/api/room/{roomId}/files | |
http://{server IP}:8080/v1/api/room/{roomId}/files?subFolder={subfolder name} | Get information about all files within room folder, including subfolders | |
Get repo files | http://{server IP}:8080/v1/api/room/{repoName}/files | |
http://{server IP}:8080/v1/api/room/{repoName}/files?subFolder={subfolder name} | Get information about all files within repo folder, including subfolders | |
Get repositories | http://{server IP}:8080/v1/api/repositories | Get full list of repositories |
Get rooms | http://{server IP}:8080/v1/api/rooms | Get full list of rooms |
Get displays | http://{server IP}:8080/v1/api/displays?room={roomId} | Get list of all displays and their parameters |
Create a web page source | http://{server IP}:8080/v1/api/repository/{RepoName}/create-source/web-page?subfolder={subfolder}&url={URL}&title={title}&webBrowserType={browser type} | Create a web page source in repo folder. |
Browser types: | ||
google_chrome, | ||
google_chrome_profile, | ||
built_in_browser, | ||
internet_explorer. | ||
subfolder is optionalIf it is necessary to create a file in Room folder, change /repository/{repoName} to /room/{roomID}/ | ||
Create a stream source | http://{server IP}:8080/v1/api/repository/{RepoName}/create-source/stream-video?subfolder={subfolder}&title={title}&path={path}&buffer={buffer} | Create a stream source in repo folder. |
subfolder is optionalIf it is necessary to create a file in Room folder, change /repository/{repoName} to /room/{roomID}/ | ||
Create an application source | http://{server IP}:8080/v1/api/repository/{RepoName}/create-source/application?subfolder={subfolder}&title={title}&path={path}&className={className}&windowTitle={windowtitle} | Create an application source in repo folder. |
subfolder is optionalIf it is necessary to create a file in Room folder, change /repository/{repoName}/ to /room/{roomID}/ | ||
Create a text source | http://{server IP}:8080/v1/api/repository/{RepoName}/create-source/text?subfolder={subfolder}&title={title}&text={text}&textFont={textfont}&textTickerSpeed={tickerspeed}&textSize={textsize}&textColor={text color}&textBackcolor={background color} | Create an application source in repo folder. |
subfolder is optional | ||
tickerSpeed is optional and if ticker speed is specified it will be automatically switched on | ||
color should be entered in HEX format. Dont forget that symbol # should be changed to HTML numeric code. | ||
Example - %23FFFFFFIf it is necessary to create a file in Room folder, change /repository/{repoName}/ to /room/{roomID}/ | ||
Create a VNC source | http://{server IP}:8080/v1/api/repository/{RepoName}/create-source/vnc?subfolder={subfolder}&title={title}&path={path}&password={password} | Create a VNC source in repo folder. |
subfolder and password are optionalIf it is necessary to create a file in Room folder, change /repository/{repoName}/ to /room/{roomID}/ | ||
Create a Polywall Streamer source | http://{server IP}:8080/v1/api/repository/{RepoName}/create-source/polywall-streamer?subfolder={subfolder}&title={title}&path={path} | Create a Polywall streamer source in repo folder. |
subfolder is optionalIf it is necessary to create a file in Room folder, change /repository/{repoName}/ to /room/{roomID}/ | ||
Create an onvif IP camera | http://{server IP}:8080/v1/api/repository/{RepoName}/create-source/ip-camera-onvif?subfolder={subfolder}&title={title}&path={path}&username={username}&password={password} | Create an onvif IP camera in repo folder |
subfolder, username and password are optionalIf it is necessary to create a file in Room folder, change /repository/{repoName}/ to /room/{roomID}/ | ||
Create a Zoom source | http://{server IP}:8080/v1/api/repository/{RepoName}/create-source/zoom?subfolder={subfolder}&title={title}&zoomId={zoomID}&passCode={passcode} | Create a Zoom source in repo folder |
subfolder is optionalIf it is necessary to create a file in Room folder, change /repository/{repoName}/ to /room/{roomID}/ | ||
Create a playlist | http://{server IP}:8080/v1/api/repository/{RepoName}/create-source/play-list?subfolder={subfolder}&title={title}&videoPath={videofile name with extension}&videoPath={2nd videofile} | Create a playlist source in repo folder. |
subfolder is optional | ||
Based on amount of videofiles enter as many &videoPath= as you need in order it should be played. | ||
If file is located in subfolder, use %2F to replace “/” symbol. | ||
For example**Videos%2F1.mp4**&videoPath=**Videos%2F2.mov**&videoPath=**Videos%2FUP!.mp4If it is necessary to create a file in Room folder, change /repository/{repoName}/ to /room/{roomID}/** | ||
Delete file from repository | http://{server IP}:8080/v1/api/file/repository/{RepoName}?filePath={path to file with file extension} | Delete file from repository |
If file is located in subfolder, use %2F to replace “/” symbol. | ||
Delete file from room folder | http://{server IP}:8080/v1/api/file/room/{RoomID}?filePath={path to file with file extension} | Delete file from Room |
If file is located in subfolder, use %2F to replace “/” symbol. | ||
Close specified source on a videowall | http://{server IP}:8080/v1/api/source/{SourceID} | Close source based on SourceID. |
Source ID can be identified by “Get Source” command. | ||
Clear videowall | http://{server IP}:8080/v1/api/room/{RoomID}/display/{DisplayID}/clear | Close all sources on a defined videowall |
Refresh a source | http://{server IP}:8080/v1/api/source/{sourceID}/refresh | Reopen source on a videowall |
Source ID can be identified by “Get Source” command. | ||
Start auto play | http://**{server IP}**:8080/v1/api/source/**{sourceID}**/start-auto-play |
Start auto play of pdf, documents and presentations |
Source ID can be identified by “Get Source” command. | ||
Stop auto play | http://{server IP}:8080/v1/api/source/{sourceID}/stop-auto-play | Stop auto play of pdf, documents and presentations |
Source ID can be identified by “Get Source” command. | ||
Start scenario | http://{server IP}:8080/v1/api/room/{RoomID}/scenario/{ScenarioName}.zip/start | Starts specified scenario |
Start scene | http://{server IP}:8080/v1/api/room/{RoomID}/scene/{SceneName}/start | Starts specified scene from scenario which works at the moment |
Stop scenario | http://{server IP}:8080/v1/api/room/{RoomID}/scenario/stop | Stops scenario in specified room |
Open source from repository | http://{server IP}:8080/v1/api/room/{RoomID}/display/{DIsplayID}/repository/{RepoName}/source/{sourceName with extension}/add?left={X pixel}&top={Y pixel}&width={width}&height={height}&subfolder={subfolder} | Open a source on a specified videowall in specified place and size. |
subfolder is optional | ||
Left and Top - start point where source should be opened | ||
Width and Height - size of the source | ||
Open source from room folder | http://{server IP}:8080/v1/api/room/{RoomID}/display/{DIsplayID}/source/{sourceName with extension}/add?left={X pixel}&top={Y pixel}&width={width}&height={height} | Open a source on a specified videowall in specified place and size. |
Left and Top - start point where source should be opened | ||
Width and Height - size of the source | ||
Next page | http://{server IP}:8080/v1/api/source/{SourceID}/next-page | Go to the next page of a document, pdf or presentation |
Source ID can be identified by “Get Source” command. | ||
Previous page | http://{server IP}:8080/v1/api/source/{SourceID}/previous-page | Go to the previous page of a document, pdf or presentation |
Source ID can be identified by “Get Source” command. | ||
Change opened source | curl -X 'PUT' \\'http://**{server IP}**:8080/v1/api/source/**{SourceID}**' \\-H 'accept:*/*' \\-H 'Content-Type: application/json-patch+json' \\-d '[{"name": "{parameter}","value": "{value}"}]' |
Allows to change parameters of running source. To change parameters JSON objects or JSON array should be sent to http://{server IP}:8080/v1/api/source/{SourceID} |
For example:[{"name": "current-page","value": "5"}] |
List of supported parameters and Source ID can be identified by “Get Source” command.Please be noted, that some of parameters might not possible to change at the moment. | ||
Change size | http://{server IP}:8080/v1/api/source/{SourceID}/size/size?width={width}&height={height} | Change size of specified opened source. |
Change position | http://{server IP}:8080/v1/api/source/{SourceID}/position/xy-position?x={x pixel}&y={y pixel} | Change position of specified opened source |
MoveDirection | http://{server IP}:8080/v1/api/source/{SourceID}/{parameter}/{MoveDirection}/{value} | Change size or position in specific direction by a certain value. |
Parameter - “size” or “xy-position” | ||
Move Direction - Up, Down, Left, Right | ||
Value - number in pixels | ||
Example : | ||
Mute or unmute | http://{server IP}:8080/v1/api/source/toogleMute/{SourceID} | Mute or unmute specified opened source |
<aside> đź’ˇ To find all commands and test them possible via Polywall API swagger - http://{Polywall Server IP}:8080/swagger/index.html