Polywall API v2.0

<aside> đź’ˇ Polywall API v2 works through http\https protocol and give answer in JSON format


<aside> <img src="/icons/exclamation-mark_red.svg" alt="/icons/exclamation-mark_red.svg" width="40px" /> Please be noted that information should be entered without curly braces { } and some symbols should be in HTML numeric code if persist.


<aside> <img src="/icons/exclamation-mark_red.svg" alt="/icons/exclamation-mark_red.svg" width="40px" /> Please be noted that “Create source” API command replace the file with the same name.


List of commands

<aside> <img src="/icons/network_gray.svg" alt="/icons/network_gray.svg" width="40px" /> GET


<aside> <img src="/icons/network_gray.svg" alt="/icons/network_gray.svg" width="40px" /> PUT


<aside> <img src="/icons/network_gray.svg" alt="/icons/network_gray.svg" width="40px" /> POST


<aside> <img src="/icons/network_gray.svg" alt="/icons/network_gray.svg" width="40px" /> DELETE


Name Command Description
Get scenarios http://{server IP}:8080/v1/api/room/{roomId}/scenarios Get information about all available scenarios in Schedule folder.
Get active scenes http://{server IP}:8080/v1/api/room/**{roomId}/**activeScenes Get information about all scenes in played scenario and which scene is running right now.
Get active sources http://{server IP}:8080/v1/api/room/{roomId}/activeSources Get information about all sources played on all videowalls at the moment, including SourceID
Get active Visualizers http://{server IP}:8080/v1/api/activeVisualizers Get information about all active visualizers (videowalls) at the moment (includes information about visualizers in clone mode).
Get room files http://{server IP}:8080/v1/api/room/{roomId}/files
http://{server IP}:8080/v1/api/room/{roomId}/files?subFolder={subfolder name} Get information about all files within room folder, including subfolders
Get repo files http://{server IP}:8080/v1/api/room/{repoName}/files
http://{server IP}:8080/v1/api/room/{repoName}/files?subFolder={subfolder name} Get information about all files within repo folder, including subfolders
Get repositories http://{server IP}:8080/v1/api/repositories Get full list of repositories
Get rooms http://{server IP}:8080/v1/api/rooms Get full list of rooms
Get displays http://{server IP}:8080/v1/api/displays?room={roomId} Get list of all displays and their parameters
Create a web page source http://{server IP}:8080/v1/api/repository/{RepoName}/create-source/web-page?subfolder={subfolder}&url={URL}&title={title}&webBrowserType={browser type} Create a web page source in repo folder.
Browser types:
subfolder is optionalIf it is necessary to create a file in Room folder, change /repository/{repoName} to /room/{roomID}/
Create a stream source http://{server IP}:8080/v1/api/repository/{RepoName}/create-source/stream-video?subfolder={subfolder}&title={title}&path={path}&buffer={buffer} Create a stream source in repo folder.
subfolder is optionalIf it is necessary to create a file in Room folder, change /repository/{repoName} to /room/{roomID}/
Create an application source http://{server IP}:8080/v1/api/repository/{RepoName}/create-source/application?subfolder={subfolder}&title={title}&path={path}&className={className}&windowTitle={windowtitle} Create an application source in repo folder.
subfolder is optionalIf it is necessary to create a file in Room folder, change /repository/{repoName}/ to /room/{roomID}/
Create a text source http://{server IP}:8080/v1/api/repository/{RepoName}/create-source/text?subfolder={subfolder}&title={title}&text={text}&textFont={textfont}&textTickerSpeed={tickerspeed}&textSize={textsize}&textColor={text color}&textBackcolor={background color} Create an application source in repo folder.
subfolder is optional
tickerSpeed is optional and if ticker speed is specified it will be automatically switched on
color should be entered in HEX format. Dont forget that symbol # should be changed to HTML numeric code.
Example - %23FFFFFFIf it is necessary to create a file in Room folder, change /repository/{repoName}/ to /room/{roomID}/
Create a VNC source http://{server IP}:8080/v1/api/repository/{RepoName}/create-source/vnc?subfolder={subfolder}&title={title}&path={path}&password={password} Create a VNC source in repo folder.
subfolder and password are optionalIf it is necessary to create a file in Room folder, change /repository/{repoName}/ to /room/{roomID}/
Create a Polywall Streamer source http://{server IP}:8080/v1/api/repository/{RepoName}/create-source/polywall-streamer?subfolder={subfolder}&title={title}&path={path} Create a Polywall streamer source in repo folder.
subfolder is optionalIf it is necessary to create a file in Room folder, change /repository/{repoName}/ to /room/{roomID}/
Create an onvif IP camera http://{server IP}:8080/v1/api/repository/{RepoName}/create-source/ip-camera-onvif?subfolder={subfolder}&title={title}&path={path}&username={username}&password={password} Create an onvif IP camera in repo folder
subfolder, username and password are optionalIf it is necessary to create a file in Room folder, change /repository/{repoName}/ to /room/{roomID}/
Create a Zoom source http://{server IP}:8080/v1/api/repository/{RepoName}/create-source/zoom?subfolder={subfolder}&title={title}&zoomId={zoomID}&passCode={passcode} Create a Zoom source in repo folder
subfolder is optionalIf it is necessary to create a file in Room folder, change /repository/{repoName}/ to /room/{roomID}/
Create a playlist http://{server IP}:8080/v1/api/repository/{RepoName}/create-source/play-list?subfolder={subfolder}&title={title}&videoPath={videofile name with extension}&videoPath={2nd videofile} Create a playlist source in repo folder.
subfolder is optional
Based on amount of videofiles enter as many &videoPath= as you need in order it should be played.
If file is located in subfolder, use %2F to replace “/” symbol.
For example**Videos%2F1.mp4**&videoPath=**Videos%2F2.mov**&videoPath=**Videos%2FUP!.mp4If it is necessary to create a file in Room folder, change /repository/{repoName}/ to /room/{roomID}/**
Delete file from repository http://{server IP}:8080/v1/api/file/repository/{RepoName}?filePath={path to file with file extension} Delete file from repository
If file is located in subfolder, use %2F to replace “/” symbol.
Delete file from room folder http://{server IP}:8080/v1/api/file/room/{RoomID}?filePath={path to file with file extension} Delete file from Room
If file is located in subfolder, use %2F to replace “/” symbol.
Close specified source on a videowall http://{server IP}:8080/v1/api/source/{SourceID} Close source based on SourceID.
Source ID can be identified by “Get Source” command.
Clear videowall http://{server IP}:8080/v1/api/room/{RoomID}/display/{DisplayID}/clear Close all sources on a defined videowall
Refresh a source http://{server IP}:8080/v1/api/source/{sourceID}/refresh Reopen source on a videowall
Source ID can be identified by “Get Source” command.
Start auto play http://**{server IP}**:8080/v1/api/source/**{sourceID}**/start-auto-play Start auto play of pdf, documents and presentations
Source ID can be identified by “Get Source” command.
Stop auto play http://{server IP}:8080/v1/api/source/{sourceID}/stop-auto-play Stop auto play of pdf, documents and presentations
Source ID can be identified by “Get Source” command.
Start scenario http://{server IP}:8080/v1/api/room/{RoomID}/scenario/{ScenarioName}.zip/start Starts specified scenario
Start scene http://{server IP}:8080/v1/api/room/{RoomID}/scene/{SceneName}/start Starts specified scene from scenario which works at the moment
Stop scenario http://{server IP}:8080/v1/api/room/{RoomID}/scenario/stop Stops scenario in specified room
Open source from repository http://{server IP}:8080/v1/api/room/{RoomID}/display/{DIsplayID}/repository/{RepoName}/source/{sourceName with extension}/add?left={X pixel}&top={Y pixel}&width={width}&height={height}&subfolder={subfolder} Open a source on a specified videowall in specified place and size.
subfolder is optional
Left and Top - start point where source should be opened
Width and Height - size of the source
Open source from room folder http://{server IP}:8080/v1/api/room/{RoomID}/display/{DIsplayID}/source/{sourceName with extension}/add?left={X pixel}&top={Y pixel}&width={width}&height={height} Open a source on a specified videowall in specified place and size.
Left and Top - start point where source should be opened
Width and Height - size of the source
Next page http://{server IP}:8080/v1/api/source/{SourceID}/next-page Go to the next page of a document, pdf or presentation
Source ID can be identified by “Get Source” command.
Previous page http://{server IP}:8080/v1/api/source/{SourceID}/previous-page Go to the previous page of a document, pdf or presentation
Source ID can be identified by “Get Source” command.
Change opened source curl -X 'PUT' \\'http://**{server IP}**:8080/v1/api/source/**{SourceID}**' \\-H 'accept:*/*' \\-H 'Content-Type: application/json-patch+json' \\-d '[{"name": "{parameter}","value": "{value}"}]' Allows to change parameters of running source. To change parameters JSON objects or JSON array should be sent to http://{server IP}:8080/v1/api/source/{SourceID}
For example:[{"name": "current-page","value": "5"}]
List of supported parameters and Source ID can be identified by “Get Source” command.Please be noted, that some of parameters might not possible to change at the moment.
Change size http://{server IP}:8080/v1/api/source/{SourceID}/size/size?width={width}&height={height} Change size of specified opened source.
Change position http://{server IP}:8080/v1/api/source/{SourceID}/position/xy-position?x={x pixel}&y={y pixel} Change position of specified opened source
MoveDirection http://{server IP}:8080/v1/api/source/{SourceID}/{parameter}/{MoveDirection}/{value} Change size or position in specific direction by a certain value.
Parameter - “size” or “xy-position”
Move Direction - Up, Down, Left, Right
Value - number in pixels
Example :
Mute or unmute http://{server IP}:8080/v1/api/source/toogleMute/{SourceID} Mute or unmute specified opened source

<aside> đź’ˇ To find all commands and test them possible via Polywall API swagger - http://{Polywall Server IP}:8080/swagger/index.html
