<aside> đź’ˇ Connection is established by raw TCP protocol to port 9999 of Polywall controller.


<aside> đź’ˇ For versions before 3.7 please refer to a Polywall API v1.3

Polywall API v1.3.pdf


<aside> âť— It is strongly recommended to set a delay between running scenarios for 5 seconds at least.


List of commands

Name Command Description Polywall Answer
Scenario Status xStatus Scenarios "Hall" Get information about all available scenarios in Schedule folder.

Since Polywall 3.8 it is possible to add optional parameter with Room ID. | ***s Scenarios Scenario "Scenario 1 Name" IsPlaying: 1 s Scenarios Scenario "Scenario 2 Name" IsPlaying: 0 s Scenarios Scenario "Scenario 3 Name" IsPlaying: 0 ** end | | Scene Status | xStatus ActiveScenes "Hall" | Get information about all scenes in played scenario and which scene is running right now.

Since Polywall 3.8 it is possible to add optional parameter with Room ID. | ***s ActiveScenes Scene "Scene 1 Name" IsPlaying: 0 *s ActiveScenes Scene "Scene 2 Name" IsPlaying: 0 s ActiveScenes Scene "Scene 3 Name" IsPlaying: 1 s ActiveScenes Scene "Scene 4 Name" IsPlaying: 0 | | Source Status | xStatus Sources "Hall" | Get information about all sources played on all videowalls at the moment.

Since Polywall 3.8 it is possible to add optional parameter with Room ID. | ***s Sources Source "SourceID1" Name "SourceName1" DisplayID "1" Left 0 Top 0 Width 960 Height 1080 *s Sources Source "SourceID2" Name "SourceName2" DisplayID "1" Left 960 Top 0 Width 960 Height 1080 *s Sources Source "SourceID3" Name "SourceName1" DisplayID "2" Left 0 Top 0 Width 1920 Height 1080 end | | Visualizer Status | xStatus ActiveVisualizers Visualizers "Hall" | Get information about all active visualizers (videowalls) at the moment (includes information about visualizers in clone mode). | ***s ActiveVisualizers VisualizerId 10 CloneDisplayId 1 IsMain 1 *s ActiveVisualizers VisualizerId 10 CloneDisplayId 2 IsMain 0 *s ActiveVisualizers VisualizerId 11 CloneDisplayId 1 IsMain 0 *s ActiveVisualizers VisualizerId 11 CloneDisplayId 2 IsMain 1 **end

Main Visualizer changed: *s MainVisualizerDisconnected VisualizerId 10 CloneDisplayId 2 NewMainCloneId 3 **end

Last visualizer with certain id disconnected: *s MainVisualizerDisconnected VisualizerId 10 CloneDisplayId 2 NewMainCloneId 0 end | | Scenario Play | xCommand Scenarios Scenario "Hall" "Scenario Name" Play | Start playback of chosen scenario. Scenario will start from first scene of scenario.

Since Polywall 3.8 it is possible to add optional parameter with Room ID. | OK *r ScenariosPlayScenarioResult (status=OK) ** end | | Scenario Stop | xCommand Scenarios Stop "Hall" | Interrupt playback of chosen scenario. Sources which already have been opened will not be closed.

Since Polywall 3.8 it is possible to add optional parameter with Room ID. | *OK r ScenariosStopScenarioResult (status=OK) ** end | | Scene Play | xCommand ActiveScenes Scene "Hall" "Scene Name" Play | Run specific scene from played scenario.

Since Polywall 3.8 it is possible to add optional parameter with Room ID. | *OK r ActiveScenesPlaySceneResult (status=OK) ** end | | Add Source | xCommand Sources Source Add "Hall" 1 "C:\polywall\Hall\1.vmfu" 10 10 500 320 | Run specific source from any folder on a controller, where: 1 - ID of Visualizer, ’c:\polywall\Hall\1.vmfu’ - route to the file, 10 10 - start point of the source, 500 320 - size of the source in pixel.

Since Polywall 3.8 it is possible to add optional parameter with Room ID. | **r SourcesAddSourceResult (status=F4SOrYB5sMIOoXZ1XO6eAbfF3ftHJO9l) ** end s Sources Source "F4SOrYB5sMIOoXZ1XO6eAbfF3ftHJO9l" Name "1" DisplayId "1" Left 10 Top 10 Width 500 Height 500 ** end | | Remove source | xCommand Sources Source Delete "Hall" 1 SgTz5wAYi9BhTwg0 | Removes source which were opened on a videowall, where: 1 - ID of Visualizer yzpTw9Lge21W2eDR0DIaT9huvvuEob9y - ID of the source.

Since Polywall 3.8 it is possible to add optional parameter with Room ID. | *r SourcesDeleteSourceResult (status=OK) ** end | | Powerpoint Control | xCommand PowerPoint Next "Hall" xCommand PowerPoint Previous "Hall" | Allows to swap slides on all opened presentations on a videowall.

Since Polywall 3.8 it is possible to add optional parameter with Room ID. | | | Sound control | xCommand Sources Source ToggleMute "Hall" 1 LOGweTheVh8k092D | Allows to Mute\Unmute related to this function sources where: 1 - ID of Visualizer LOGweTheVh8k092D - ID of the source

Since Polywall 3.8 it is possible to add optional parameter with Room ID. | ***r SourceMuteResult (status=OK) end |


Scenario Play

  1. To play scenario it is necessary to receive information about all scenarios available for playing. To do that first command should be “xStatus Scenarios”, which allows to get such information.

<aside> đź’ˇ This command is required at least one time after Polywall has been started, otherwise Scenario Play will not work.


  1. Choose scenario from the list, which is necessary to play and put it instead of “Scenario Name” in related command. For example - “xCommand Scenarios Scenario "nodered" Play

  2. As soon Scenario will start Polywall will reply information about all scenes in scenario and which scene is playing right now

    Polywall Answer:

    *s ActiveScenes Scene "Third" IsPlaying: 0 *s ActiveScenes Scene "First" IsPlaying: 1 *s ActiveScenes Scene "Second" IsPlaying: 0 ** end


Scene Play

  1. To run any scene it is necessary to start scenario from which you want to start playing scene

<aside> đź’ˇ You can check how to do this in previous example.


  1. After scenario has been started it is possible to use “xStatus ActiveScenes” command which allows to receive information about all scenes in playing scenario
  2. Choose scene from the list, which is necessary to play and put it in the command. For example - “xCommand ActiveScenes Scene "Third" Play”.


Source add

<aside> đź’ˇ Source Add command works only with .vmfu type of files.


To open source use command - “xCommand Sources Source Add 1 'C:\polywall\Hall\1.vmfu' 10 10 500 320”, where:

<aside> <img src="/icons/exclamation-mark_red.svg" alt="/icons/exclamation-mark_red.svg" width="40px" /> If you are using Polywall 3.7 or lower, files like xls, doc, ppt, etc requires to transfer them into .vmfu format. VMFU is our own format, however it is just XML storage, which can be created even by bat file -

source creation.zip


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<meta-info type="web-page" content-url="google.com" displayname="12346" playlist-files-string="" ipcamera-brand="" 
ipcamera-model-name="undefined" ipcamera-model-type="undefined" ipcamera-model-path="undefined" 
ipcamera-model-protocol="undefined" ipcamera-model-manually-edit-url="false" ipcamera-ipaddress="" 
file-content-size="0" file-content-modified-date="2022-02-02 11:35:01 UTC+3">
    <parameter name="start-zoom">1</parameter>
    <parameter name="comment"></parameter>
    <parameter name="browser-profile-path">google.com12346</parameter>
    <parameter name="plugin">WebAppPlugin</parameter>
    <parameter name="web-browser">google_chrome_profile</parameter>
    <parameter name="stream-video-buffer">1000</parameter>
    <parameter name="text-string"></parameter>
    <parameter name="text-font"></parameter>
    <parameter name="text-size"></parameter>
    <parameter name="text-color"></parameter>
    <parameter name="text-backcolor"></parameter>
    <parameter name="text-ticker">false</parameter>
    <parameter name="icon"></parameter>
    <parameter name="preview"></parameter>

To create it enter:  file name, the link (path to the file\URL\etc.), the file type, start page\slide (if file has no start page, you can leave it empty).

<aside> đź’ˇ Link always should be in html format -


List of sources: