
Tab to establish connection between Polywall Visualizer and Polywall Server

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Field Value
Room ID It corresponds to the “ID” value in the “Rooms” section of Server settings.
Display ID It corresponds to the “Display ID value in the “Rooms” section of Server settings.
Server The Server IP-address within one local network.
See Url of the Rooms tab.

<aside> <img src="/icons/exclamation-mark_red.svg" alt="/icons/exclamation-mark_red.svg" width="40px" /> All three fields should be filled correctly otherwise there will be no connection between Server and Visualizer components!


Advanced Settings

Tab which allows to setup video wall controller for customer.


Field Value
ShowMouse A function of mouse cursor display when the Visualizer is running.
HideTaskbar Hide the desktop task bar when the Visualizer is running.
Show Background Form Hide desktop icons and the Windows control panel, as well as to replace the background picture with the black color during Visualizer operation.
Drawing Enable A possibility to draw on the display from the Designer.
Smart Source Sync A function for syncing sources between Server and Visualizer for unstable or overloaded networks.
Force ZOrder Allow to manage Visualizer Z index in Windows environment.
Clone mode Enable Hot Standby feature.
Clone Id Visualizer switch priority under hot standby.