Room Settings (General)

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A red field means an unfilled mandatory field or a field the content of which does not comply with filling rules:

FIeld Value Filling rule
ID Room has its unique Id. The Id is user-defined. This Id is used to establish connection between the Server and the Visualizer. English letters and numbers without space
Name Room name. English letters and numbers
Repo URL URL of the Room’s repository. Will be shown in Designer with name of the room. http:// or https:// in case of secured connection is switched on → IP address of Server → :Port → /Directory

The Directory shall be written as “Disk/Folder/Folder/”. | | Schedule Repo URL | The address of a folder that will contain scenarios to be demonstrated according to the schedule in this room. | http:// or https:// in case of secured connection is switched on → IP address of Server → :Port → /Directory

The Directory shall be written as “Disk/Folder/Folder/”. | | URL | The Server address to be used for Room operation. This URL is used to establish connection between the Server and the Visualizer. | http:// or https:// in case of secured connection is switched on → IP address of Server → :Port → /Polywall |

<aside> <img src="/icons/exclamation-mark_red.svg" alt="/icons/exclamation-mark_red.svg" width="40px" /> Room #URL should be always identical in all rooms!


Edit Displays

<aside> 💡 Please ensure that there are at least one display in each room otherwise you will not be able to save settings.



To change display settings inside of specific Room, press “Edit Displays” button.


To return to room settings, press return button in right upper corner of the window.

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To add a display to the room, press “Add”.


To remove the display, press cross button near the name of display.

<aside> 💡 Displays means separate video wall (work area set in Polywall Visualizer). It is not one physical display.


<aside> <img src="/icons/exclamation-mark_red.svg" alt="/icons/exclamation-mark_red.svg" width="40px" /> Make sure that there are no extra displays. Otherwise, these displays will be shown in the Designer with default settings.

